Hey, it’s good to see you here! I don’t really know how did you find yourself in this place, you’ve reached the end of the Internet, congratulations. Anyway, as you’re already here, let me introduce myself to you.
My name is Dominik Grzelak, I live in Poznań, Poland and I spend most of the time building software.
I don't yet consider myself a very experienced coder - it was just 2018 when I started my professional career.
Obviously, I've learned a lot since then. I believe it's largely thanks to great people that I've been lucky to work with,
from whom I could learn, and even more importantly - with whom I could discuss different ideas.
Even though I feel like I still have a lot to learn, from time to time I also feel the need to write down some of my thoughts that appear during work. I think there are two reasons for that. First thing is that I’m not too good at remembering things, so yeah, I note down almost everything that I think I may need to search for in the future. And I may have put all of those in my private notes, but why not share them with the world?
I can see two opportunities by making my thoughts public. First is that maybe someone will read some of them and say: ‘Well, yeah, that makes sense. This guy has a point, I’ll do the same as he does.’. This would mean the world to me if somebody finds something valuable for themselves here. And secondly - my reasoning may be wrong and in that case I hope someone will come and explain it to me in the comments, so I can improve myself.
Enjoy yourself here and don’t hesitate to contact me in any case!